Friday, May 18, 2012

The Test

             The book that i am reading is called "The Test". It was about a girl who got pregnant in high school and went back there in 4 years to tell the student about her journey. This book was really interesting because it also taught us a lesson about protection and stuff like that. This book taught us a social lesson about pregnancy and how the father doesn't want to be apart of their life.
            One example of the social issue is that the guy only used her for unprotected sex and he didnt even care about her because when she got pregnant he didn't want to be apart of her life.I think that a lot of people do this in the world because they are scared of having a baby and a lot of people abandon their kids because they don't want them.
            Another social issue i noticed in the book was when she ran away from home when she was pregnant. I think that a lot of kids do this because they are scared of reality and what might happen so they try to run away from it. I also think that this is a social issue because she ran away while she was prgant which alot of people in the real world do.
           Overall this was a really good book and i really enjoyed it. I hope to read other book like this in the future.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Break Homework-Reply to blog

      In Nairobi Cousar post about the book "Tears Of A Tiger" by Sharon M, it made me really want to read this book because you described the action and what is going on in the book really well and it made me want to read the book.
    This book made me think about my life and other peoples life. It makes you think about how short life is and how careful you have to be. The boy is depressed now because he thinks he should have died instead of his friend which is not a good feeling at all. I agree with u when you said " i feel really bad for Andrew because i wouldn't know how to handle the situation he is in." I agree with you because it is so hard to feel like that. Like you should have died instead of someone else. That is a really bad feeling to be feeling and i feel so bad for him and i would not know how to handle that situation. 
    I have read other posts by you but this one stands out because it has so many details and it gives a good image in your head while you are reading the book. This one also stands out because it has a complete description on how you feel about the book or the situations. Your other posts had these things too but this once had way more details and it was longer and more descriptive. 
    I really liked the way you wrote this post because it was really engaging. When i was scrolling down your blog i stopped right at this one because it made me want to read it. I was tuned in the whole time i was reading it. I liked that you had so many details and you used so many words that describes the situations and what is going on at that time. This post made me think about how i write my posts. This post showed me that i could add more descriptive writing to my posts and more details to make my posts become more alive.

character patterns-archetypes in "Stranger With my Face

 I think that the Hero in this book is Laurie. I think this because she has a lot of courage and she is brave because she has to stop her twin from taking over her life. She takes many sacrifices during this process which shows whats really important to her. In the end she ends up fixing everything and saving her life from being messed up.
      I think that the Mentor in this book is Laurie's boyfriend. I think this because he helps her find out what is going on in her life and he guides her through the steps in putting her life back together.
     I think that the Shadow in this book is Laurie's twin. The twin is coming into Laurie's life and tries to take over her life because the twin doesn't like her own life. She is trying to switch places so she doesn't have to live in her life anymore . She creates so much tension in this book while trying to take over Laurie's life.
    I think that the Shapeshifter is also Laurie's boyfriend because he is unsure of who is who. He doesn't know which twin is Laurie. So he keeps on switching sides because he is confused.

Conflict in "Stranger With my Face"

 I think that the conflict in this book is the fact that Laurie's twin who had been separated from her at berth is trying to take over her life. Her family insists that they saw her coming and going places when she has been out of the house for hours. Her twin is trying to take over her life and Laurie is running out of time. Her life has been upside down ever since her twin has been trying to take over her life and it has become out of control. 

Appreciation in "ZigZag "

         In this book i appreciated that it showed how much family is important and that spending time with them is really important and you shouldn't take it for granted. It also showed me that you should be a person that younger people like your family or others would want to look up to. Be a role model to your younger siblings or cousins or anything like that. Because if you do that then they would grow up to be something amazing.
      I have so many questions rolling around in my head. For example what made the author write a book like this? Why was this book so important to you? Did this book have an influence on you? Did you change from writing this book? This book left me with so many questions and thoughts.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The conflict in-ZigZag

          Iris has a big conflict/problem in this book. She has a habit of throwing up what she eats every now and then. This conflict will change her in a bad way because if she continues to do it she will become unhealthy and sick. She doesn't want to listen to Robin when she tells her to stop because she feels that its none of her business. Iris feels like her body has to be perfect (when no one is perfect). She feels that being stick skinny is beautiful. This conflict with herself will cause her to change in many different ways but not in any good ways.

character patterns-archetypes in ZigZag

      I think that THE HERO in this book is Robin. When she goes on a rode trip with her cousins and aunt she started to help them come together as a family. Each one of her cousins had a problem that they needed to deal with and she helped them in different ways. But she also is not perfect either. This rode trip helped Robin change herself in many different ways.  She became a person who is more mature and doesn't look into the past, she keeps on moving forward which rubs off on everyone else.
      I think that  THE MENTOR in this book is the aunt. The aunt has been through this situations before. The reason why the aunt brought Robin on the trip was to help her with her kids. So she kind of guides Robin in different directions to help her with her kids.
       I think that  THE SHADOW in this book is Iris. She gets herself into trouble. She doesn't know when to stop and she doesn't want to listen to anyone at times. Sometimes there is so much tension between her and Robin. She is just always creating problems.
      I think that THE SHAPESHIFTER is also Iris. Towards the middle of the book she begins to change a little bit. But then in a second she goes back to her old ways. Sometimes she would be on Robins side when she says something but then other times she would not agree with her at all. She keep on switching sides. One minute she is on Robins side and then the next minute she hates her guts. She cant make up her mind on what she is doing or anything. She just keeps on changing sides.